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Gome-another leading client

Gome Group is the largest retail chain enterprises of appliance in China, it mainly deal with electrical products. Gome has almost 1000 stores in more than 240 cities of China, its annual sales is up to 80 billion yuan. Gome brand with a value of 30.125 billion yuan becomes China's most valuable brand of electronic products’ retail.

To become one of the world's top electronic products retail chain enterprises, Gome implemented a sophisticated management, and it choosed the products of us for data statistics and analysis. Gome in Beijing use  the NBX-98A first, after the analysis of the data recorded by people counter in different time, different seasons and different regions, they got the clear trends of people flow and its Influencing factors, then adopt some  relevant measures , as a result they got the perfection of management and the growth of sales.

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